Custom Tray and Sleeve Boxes

Custom tray and sleeve boxes are sophisticated and practical packaging solutions with two parts: a sturdy tray and a sliding sleeve. The tray serves as the base, providing a secure foundation for the product, while the sleeve slides over the tray, enclosing and protecting the contents inside.

These highly customizable boxes allow businesses to tailor them to their specific product requirements and branding needs. The tray and sleeve can be designed in various sizes, shapes, and materials, ensuring a perfect fit for the enclosed items. Additionally, the sliding sleeve offers ample space for creative designs, branding elements, and product information, making it an effective marketing tool.

Key Points

  • Custom sleeve boxes consist of a sturdy tray and a sliding sleeve.
  • Highly customizable in size, shape, and materials.
  • Provide easy access to the product with a user-friendly design.
  • Ideal for premium and luxury products.
  • Enhance product presentation and brand identity.

Offer added protection during transportation and handling.

One of the key advantages of custom tray and sleeve boxes is their functionality. The sliding sleeve provides easy access to the product without elaborate opening mechanisms. This user-friendly design enhances the unboxing experience for customers and ensures a seamless product presentation.

The combination of elegance and functionality makes these boxes ideal for premium and luxury products. They add an element of sophistication to the packaging, making the product stand out and leave a lasting impression on customers. Custom sleeve boxes are often used for items like cosmetics, electronics, confectionery, and gift sets, where the packaging plays a significant role in the product’s perceived value.

Moreover, these boxes provide added protection to the enclosed items. The sturdy tray keeps the product secure during transportation and handling, while the sliding sleeve is an additional defense against damage and dust.

Custom tray and sleeve boxes balance elegance, functionality, and product protection. They are versatile and suitable for various industries, allowing businesses to elevate their product presentation, enhance brand identity, and create a memorable unboxing experience for their customers.


Custom tray and sleeve boxes can be fully customized to match specific product dimensions, branding requirements, and design preferences. Businesses can choose various materials, finishes, and printing options to create a packaging solution that aligns perfectly with their brand image.

Premium Product Presentation

Combining a sturdy tray and a sliding sleeve provides an exceptional presentation for premium and luxury products. The sliding sleeve effortlessly glides over the tray, creating an elegant reveal that elevates the unboxing experience and leaves a lasting impression on customers.

Easy Access

The sliding sleeve design offers easy access to the product without complicated opening mechanisms. Customers can slide off the sleeve to reveal the contents, making it a user-friendly packaging option that enhances customer satisfaction.

Branding and Marketing

The sliding sleeve provides ample space for branding elements, logos, product information, and creative designs. It makes custom sleeve box packaging an effective marketing tool, reinforcing brand identity and increasing brand recognition among consumers.

Product Protection

The sturdy tray is a robust foundation that protects the enclosed items during transportation and handling. The sliding sleeve acts as an additional layer of protection, safeguarding the contents from dust, moisture, and other external factors.


Custom tray and sleeve boxes are versatile and suitable for a wide range of products across various industries. They are commonly used for cosmetics, electronics, confectionery, gift sets, and other premium items where packaging plays a crucial role in product presentation.

Eco-Friendly Options

To cater to environmentally-conscious consumers, custom tray and sleeve boxes can be manufactured using eco-friendly materials, such as recycled paper or biodegradable cardboard.

Luxury Packaging Solution

The seamless and elegant design of custom tray and sleeve boxes makes them a popular choice for luxury brands and high-end products, adding a touch of sophistication that enhances the product’s perceived value.

In conclusion, custom tray and sleeve boxes offer a compelling blend of functionality, aesthetics, and branding potential. Their customizability, premium product presentation, and easy access make them a preferred packaging solution for businesses seeking to create a remarkable unboxing experience and showcase their products stylishly and sophisticatedly.